Tuesday, 23 September 2014



Name of the teacher  : ARIYA.S                                                  standard      : XI
Name of the school   : GOVT.V.H.S.S ATTINGAL                           strength       : 27
Subject                      : Business studies                                            Average age: 16
Unit                           :  Nature &purpose of business                        Duration: 45mt                                                 
Topic                         : Economic and non economic activities         Date: 18/07/14

Content outline      meaning of economic and non economic activity and its types.
Content analysis 
                   Terms    Economic activity, non economic activity, profession,        
                                  Employment, Business
                    Facts     1. Activities undertaken with an element of wealth as a major     
                                     motive is called economic activity.
                                    2. These activities concerned with production, distribution,
                                     Exchange of goods and services to earn money.
                                   3. Activities which are pursued by human beings to satisfy        
                                        their Sentiments are non-economic activities.
                                  4. Non- economic activities undertaken not to earn income but    
                                       to derive psychological satisfaction.
                                 5. Economic activities are three types Business, Profession,
6. Business refers to those economic activities in which people   engage in to earn profit.
7.Business includes production, purchase and sale of goods and services
8.proffession refers to an occupation which requires  specialized knowledge ,skill and training.
9.Employment  refers to that type of economic activity in which people engage in some work for others.
10.Employee   get  salary  or wages

Concept                    Activities undertaken with an element of wealth as a major      
                                   motive are called economic activities. While other activities
                                   Pursued by human beings to derive psychological satisfaction
                                   are called non- economic activity.

Curricular                  1. To generate an idea about the term economic and non
Objective                     economic activities and its types.
Pre-requisite              Students should have an idea about economic and non-
                                     Economic activities and its types.
Teaching-learning    1. Usual classroom aids like chalkboard, charts
Resources                  2. Pictures related to economic and non-economic activities.
                                         3. Activity chart.
Teaching-learning           General discussion ,Illustration


Classroom activities                                                                              pupils response

            Teacher welcomes the students and creates a learning
Environment and take their attendance. Teacher creates
learning environment interactively and takes their numbers.
Teacher asks the following questions to the students
1.Explain the objective of business
2.Explain  the term human objectives
Activity 1:General  Discussion
        Teacher introduce the topic by showing some pictures
related to economic and non economic activities one by one     students identify
and ask students to identify them.                                                     It correctly.
        After that teacher appreciate them and asking questions
to students.
        What are activities done by humans?                                                Students
         Is all activities are for earning income?                                            Respond
Teacher show a chart containing economic and non economic
         Economic and Non economic activity

Activities undertaken with an element of wealth as major motive are economic activity.
Activities which are pursued by human beings to satisfy their sentiments are called non economic activities.

                  Observed it
                   And listen

Teacher asks students to read it loudly after that she explain it.       
Teacher gave a brief idea about the types economic activities.
Activity 2
Teacher called 5 students to fill the chart with suitable and
appropriate  answers
                                    Fill in the blanks
1………………………………………… are those activities in which they are undertaken not to earn income
2………………………………………….refers to those occupations for which specialized knowledge and training required.
3………………………………………….includes production and sale of  goods and services with the objective of earning profit.
4.Activities undertaken with an element of wealth as a major motive………………………………………
5.people undertake occupations  where they work for others on a regular basis are called………………………………….

Activity 3
     Teacher shows an activity chart containing match the
following and ask 5 students to come forward and match
Match the following                                                                             
1. Economic activities – psychological satisfaction                               students match
2. Business                    _ specialized knowledge
3. Profession                 _salary or wages                                                          it correctly
4. Non economic          _ profit
5. Employment           _ wealth     
After that teacher conclude the topic by asking questions to
Students & revise it again and clear doubts among students.

Review questions
1. What is economic activity?
2. What is non economic activity?
3. What are the types of economic activities?
4. What are the examples of non economic activity?

Write a short note on economic and non economic activities.

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